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Reflecting on Bishop+Rook’s Journey and Lessons Learned

1024 683 Michael Kraabel

When I started Bishop+Rook, I wrote a letter expressing my passion for vintage Land Rovers and the joy I found in connecting with others who shared this enthusiasm. I laid out a vision to create a company dedicated to restoring these iconic vehicles to their original factory condition. Our goal was to honor the heritage of the Land Rover brand while offering fairly priced products in a market flooded with excessively expensive options.

Today, I find myself writing another letter, but this time to explain why the company failed and share the lessons I’ve learned from this journey. It’s a sad day, but I hope that by reflecting on my experience, we can all gain some valuable insights.

To me, Bishop+Rook was more than just a company; it was the beginning of a dream. This was supposed to be my last job, my retirement, and the legacy I left behind. My vision was to create a unique business that provided unparalleled value in the industry. I wanted the company to be employee-owned, with a staff that felt secure and cared for. Building Bishop+Rook was a labor of love, a passion project into which I invested everything I had—time, money, energy, and heart.

Despite our passion and dedication, Bishop+Rook faced significant challenges that ultimately led to its downfall. The onset of COVID-19 brought unprecedented disruptions, including severe inflation, shipping delays, and the overall stress of navigating a business through such a volatile economic climate. Yet, even in the face of these adversities, our team remained steadfast and committed to powering through. We held onto hope and worked diligently to get back on track, believing that our dedication would see us through these tough times.

However, our troubles extended beyond the global challenges everyone else in the world faced. There were several other issues that compounded our difficulties and led to the company’s failure. While we encountered some operational difficulties with our workshop in Spain, the real issues arose with the partners I trusted to manage operations in the UK and South Africa. These individuals, who I believed were aligned with our company’s vision and values, unfortunately, had their own interests in mind. Their actions demonstrated a clear prioritization of personal gain over the company’s well-being and, more importantly, over the interests of our customers.

We faced major quality control problems from our overseas workshops, some of which seemed purposeful. It appeared that a few members of these workshops were indifferent to the results of their work. Consequently, the Minnesota team spent a considerable amount of their time fixing mistakes, poor workmanship, and generally re-working restoration efforts that were initially done incorrectly.

Additionally, two of the key managers in the UK and South Africa responsible for these operations diverted their focus from Bishop+Rook customer projects to secretive side work they pushed through the workshops without getting caught. This diversion of effort severely impacted our ability to deliver on our promises and maintain the high standards we set for our restorations.

It was profoundly unfair to our US team to constantly shoulder the burden of fixing errors and mistakes from our global workshops. These quality control issues led to significant delays and cost overruns. Instead of dedicating their skills and efforts to productive projects that would move the company forward, our US team in Minnesota found themselves re-working a considerable number of projects. This not only sapped morale but also strained our resources, making it difficult to maintain the high standards and efficiency we aimed for.

The persistent need to rectify poor workmanship from overseas diverted our focus from innovation and growth, severely impacting our ability to meet deadlines and customer expectations. The dedication and resilience of the US team were truly remarkable, but it was an unsustainable and deeply unfair situation that ultimately hindered our progress.

In South Africa, my business partners held customer projects hostage, demanding excessive payments for their release despite the projects already going over budget and incurring significant losses. This not only strained our financial resources but also damaged our reputation and customer trust.

The situation in the UK was even more troubling. Former employees and whistleblowers informed me that my former partner and Director of the UK workshop had secretly started a competing company and ran it for nearly a year using Bishop+Rook resources. Instead of focusing on our projects, he misappropriated company assets to benefit his venture. He forced employees to work on his projects, falsified time-tracking records and provided false updates to customers. The behind-the-scenes activities I discovered shocked me more than I can ever explain.

These betrayals and mismanagements were devastating. They not only drained our resources but also compromised the quality and reliability of our services. Despite the relentless efforts of the Minnesota team to rectify these issues, the cumulative effect of these challenges was too great to overcome. These experiences have taught me the importance of vigilance and the need for trustworthy partners with the same commitment to quality and integrity.

Late in 2023, we developed an extensive turnaround plan, hoping to salvage Bishop+Rook and get back on track. We carefully analyzed our operations, identified areas needing improvement, and laid out a strategic plan to address the issues that had plagued us. However, as we looked deeper into the company’s state in early 2024, it became painfully clear just how extensive the damage was.

Despite exhausting all possible efforts—including securing loans, seeking new investments, and even looking into mortgaging my own home—it became evident that the damage was too profound to recover from. The mismanagement, quality control issues, and betrayals had created an insurmountable financial and operational quagmire. Every avenue we explored seemed to lead to further complications and potential harm, not only to the company but also to our valued customers and employees.

After much deliberation and soul-searching, I came to the heartbreaking conclusion that there was no viable path forward that wouldn’t cause further damage. It was an incredibly difficult decision, but one that was necessary to prevent more extensive fallout. This realization marked the end of a dream, but it also highlighted the importance of facing reality with integrity and the willingness to make tough decisions for the greater good.

Throughout this difficult journey, I often hesitated to speak publicly about what happened behind the scenes. I was embarrassed and ashamed that I had placed my trust in individuals who ultimately let the company and customers down. Admitting that I made such critical errors in judgment was not easy, and the fear of further damaging the company’s reputation kept me silent. While there are many things I could have done differently in hindsight, I have come to realize that you can’t always control the interests and actions of others.

This painful lesson has underscored the importance of vigilance and due diligence, even when dealing with those who seem trustworthy. Despite the embarrassment and regret, I remain committed to learning from these experiences and applying these hard-earned lessons to any future endeavors.

Sitting in the background, reading hateful emails, online messages, and forum discussions accusing me of being a terrible person and deliberately depriving people of their money was incredibly difficult. Legally, I was unable to respond due to the complexities of closing a business. Despite my intense desire to defend myself, I had to remain silent, which many interpreted as me simply walking away from the company. What these critics didn’t realize was the immense effort I was putting in behind the scenes to make things right. The accusations and misunderstandings were painful, but my commitment to resolving the issues for our customers never wavered.

One of the most heart-wrenching aspects of this entire ordeal was facing my employees, who had become like family to me. Bringing them together to break the news that Bishop+Rook wasn’t going to make it and that they were all out of a job was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. These men of incredible character, especially the team in Minnesota, demonstrated their unwavering support by expressing more concern for my well-being than their own unfortunate situation. Their selflessness and solidarity in the face of adversity is something I will never forget and will always be grateful for.

The reactions from our customers were diverse and intense. While many expressed their anger, frustration, and a passionate desire for retribution, there were others who responded with unexpected kindness, understanding, and support. This latter group surprised me and provided a much-needed source of encouragement during this difficult time. Some of these compassionate individuals have become lifelong friends, proving that even in the darkest moments, human connections can thrive. Telling someone they might lose everything is incredibly difficult, but those who chose to work with us in hopes of salvaging something from the experience demonstrated an extraordinary resilience and faith that I deeply appreciate.

If we had simply closed the doors the day we let the staff go, it would have undoubtedly been a much easier process. It would have saved us considerable time, money, and legal troubles. However, for me, that wasn’t the right approach. I went against the advice of several close advisers when I decided to keep fighting on behalf of our customers.

I had nothing to gain personally but felt a moral duty to help them as much as possible. Even as the lawsuits continued to pile up, I felt a profound responsibility to try and assist as many customers as possible. The easy route would have been to walk away, but my commitment to those who had entrusted us with their projects and investments drove me to continue advocating on their behalf, despite the significant challenges.

After we officially closed the workshop, we made the decision to keep the business operational to support the customers who had projects underway. We aimed to ensure they could access their projects and receive the advocacy they needed during the closure process.

In an effort to legally shut down Bishop+Rook UK Ltd. while protecting our customers’ assets, we went through a Creditors Voluntary Liquidation process in the UK. This process was intended not only to manage the company’s closure but also to investigate my former partner’s misdeeds. Unfortunately, the reality of the situation fell far short of these intentions.

No investigation into my former partner’s actions occurred, and the liquidator severely frustrated the recovery process. Instead of facilitating a smooth transition, the liquidator created a series of delays, imposed financial demands, and sold off important customer assets. These actions hindered our ability to protect and return customer projects and investments, further compounding the difficulties we were already facing. The entire liquidation process, meant to bring clarity and resolution, only added to the chaos and frustration experienced by our valued customers and myself.

This liquidation process threatened to deprive customers of their projects and investments, and I felt a profound responsibility to stand by them. Despite the business closure, our commitment to our customers remained unwavering as we navigated these challenges together, striving to protect their interests and salvage what we could from a deeply unfortunate situation.

The impact of this situation has been overwhelming. I often find myself unable to sleep, replaying the events in my mind and wondering what more I could have done to prevent this outcome. It has been a significant emotional and financial blow, and the disappointment and sense of failure weigh heavily on me.

I feel deeply for our customers who have been affected by this situation. Many have rightfully expressed their frustration and disappointment, and I understand their feelings completely. It has been incredibly tough to face criticism, especially knowing that it stems from a situation beyond my control. Despite this, I have tried to respond to every concern with empathy and a genuine desire to help, doing everything within my power to support our customers through this transition.

I have learned through this ordeal that businesses can fail for a myriad of reasons, and often those reasons are beyond one’s control. What truly matters, however, is how we respond to these challenges. I believe that our character is defined not by the failures we encounter but by our resilience and determination to rise again. I am committed to learning from this experience, to rebuild, and to ensure that future ventures are built on even stronger foundations. While Bishop+Rook may have failed as a business, the journey taught me invaluable lessons about trust, integrity, and resilience. My hope is that these experiences will shape future endeavors and that the spirit of what we tried to build will live on in the connections we made and the work we accomplished.

While the road ahead is uncertain, I am determined to take these lessons to heart. I am deeply grateful for the support and understanding from those who have stood by me during this tumultuous time. Your faith in me gives me the strength to move forward and pursue new opportunities with renewed vigor.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I wanted to share my story not just to explain what happened, but to emphasize my commitment to moving forward with integrity and purpose. I hope that, in time, I can regain your trust and confidence.

Reviving Red White & Blue

680 540 Michael Kraabel

When we think of American beer history, names like Budweiser and Pabst Blue Ribbon often dominate the conversation. Yet, nestled in the annals of brewing lore is a brand that once held a cherished spot in the hearts of beer lovers: Red White & Blue. This brand, rich with history and cultural significance, is poised for a modern revival that promises to blend tradition with contemporary tastes.

The History of Red White & Blue Beer


Red White & Blue beer traces its origins back to the late 19th century. It was a product of the Pabst Brewing Company, which sought to create a beer that embodied American pride and the spirit of unity. The name itself—Red White & Blue—evoked a sense of patriotism and connection to the national identity, making it a popular choice among consumers during its heyday.

Throughout the mid-20th century, Red White & Blue enjoyed widespread popularity. Its appeal lay in its straightforward, no-nonsense flavor profile and affordable price point. This beer was accessible, unpretentious, and a staple at countless backyard barbecues and neighborhood gatherings. However, as the beer market evolved and competition intensified, Red White & Blue gradually faded from the shelves. By the late 1980s, it was no longer in production, becoming a nostalgic memory for those who had enjoyed its simple pleasures.

Personal Memories of Red White & Blue

For me, Red White & Blue holds a special place in my heart, tied to fond memories of family holidays and cherished moments with my grandfather. He was one of those tough-as-nails kind of guys who grew up working with his hands, enjoying the news from the comfort of “his chair,” with a preference for cheap beer and chewing tobacco. Easter was a particularly memorable time when the whole family would come together to create a unique gift just for him.

Every Easter, my mom would make up a big Easter basket using a laundry basket as the base. This wasn’t your typical basket filled with chocolate eggs and bunny-shaped treats. No, this was a grand gesture of love and understanding of what my grandfather truly enjoyed. The basket included a case of Red White & Blue beer, his favorite choice of snuff, and a variety of other small gifts that he liked. The sight of that laundry basket filled with his favorite things would bring a rare smile to his face, a testament to the simple pleasures he cherished.

These memories of my grandfather and Red White & Blue are more than just nostalgic reflections; they highlight the beer’s role in everyday life and its ability to bring people together, creating moments of joy and connection.

My passion for reviving heritage brands stems from a deep appreciation for the stories and traditions that shaped them. Breathing new life into these brands is about more than nostalgia; it’s about honoring their legacy while adapting to contemporary tastes and values. I find immense satisfaction in merging the past with the present, creating products that resonate with modern consumers while preserving the authenticity and charm that made these brands beloved in the first place. Through this process, I aim to bridge generations, fostering a sense of continuity and connection that transcends time.

The Modern Reimagining of Red White & Blue

As part of our latest Lab initiative, we are excited to announce the reimagining of Red White & Blue beer. This revival is more than just a nod to the past; it’s an opportunity to create a brand that resonates with today’s discerning beer drinkers while honoring the legacy of the original.

Brand Positioning:

The new Red White & Blue beer will be positioned as a premium yet accessible option within the craft beer market. Our target audience includes millennials and Gen Z consumers who appreciate authenticity, quality, and sustainability in their beverage choices. By leveraging its historical significance and aligning with contemporary values, RWB will stand out as a beer that offers more than just a great taste—it’s a symbol of American heritage revitalized for the modern era.

Key Benefits of the New RWB:

  1. Authentic Legacy: The reimagined Red White & Blue beer will celebrate its storied history while embracing modern brewing techniques. This fusion will create a product that feels both timeless and contemporary.
  2. Quality Ingredients: Today’s consumers are more informed and selective about what they drink. Our new RWB will use high-quality, locally-sourced ingredients, ensuring a premium taste that stands out in the competitive craft beer market.
  3. Sustainability: Environmental responsibility is a priority. The revived RWB will implement sustainable brewing practices, from water conservation to eco-friendly packaging, appealing to the eco-conscious consumer.
  4. Community Focus: True to its roots, Red White & Blue will aim to foster a sense of community. We plan to support local events, partner with small businesses, and create spaces where people can come together and share a RWB beer, rekindling the brand’s original spirit of camaraderie.

Updating The Red White & Blue Brand Identity

Updating the brand identity system for Red White & Blue involves a delicate balance between preserving its elegant simplicity and infusing it with contemporary flair. We aim to retain the iconic elements that made the brand memorable, such as its straightforward design and patriotic color scheme, while modernizing the overall aesthetic to appeal to today’s consumers. This means refining the logo with cleaner lines, updating typography for a more current look, and incorporating subtle, thoughtful details that nod to its rich history. The goal is to create a refreshed brand identity that feels both timeless and relevant, seamlessly blending tradition with innovation.

In reviving Red White & Blue, we are not merely bringing back an old beer; we are reintroducing a brand with a rich legacy to a new generation of beer enthusiasts. This blend of history and innovation will make RWB a compelling choice for those who appreciate both tradition and progress. Cheers to a classic reborn!

Creative Revolution – Reimagining Vintage Advertising

1024 576 Michael Kraabel

Our latest Lab Challenge is called “Creative Revolution,” and it is an opportunity to travel through time to reimagine vintage advertising for the modern world. This initiative invites you to explore the roots of advertising, understand the historical context of past campaigns, and infuse them with contemporary sensibilities and creativity.

Creative Revolution is a project that invites marketers, designers, and creative enthusiasts to reimagine vintage advertising using modern technology and sensibilities. This initiative seeks to bridge the gap between past and present, offering a platform to explore the evolution of advertising while celebrating its rich history.

What is The Lab?

The Lab is a space for creative experimentation.  In the context of this challenge, it is a place where we blend the nostalgia of vintage ads with the innovative approaches of modern advertising. Some of our projects will involve taking contemporary advertising concepts and applying them to historical campaigns, while others will imagine entirely new ads set in past eras. It’s a fun and engaging way to delve into the history of advertising and see how far we’ve come.

The Creative Challenge

Modern advertising is more sensitive to inclusion and messaging platforms, focusing on diverse audiences and creating meaningful connections. In contrast, vintage advertising often centered primarily on the product and its benefits. By participating in The Lab, you’ll explore how these different approaches can be harmonized, resulting in unique and thought-provoking campaigns.

Here’s what this project aims to do:

  1. Deepen Historical Understanding: Gain insights into the historical context of vintage ads, including the cultural, social, and economic factors that influenced them.
  2. Enhance Creativity: Challenge your creative skills by reimagining old ads with new perspectives, ensuring they resonate with today’s audiences while honoring their original charm.
  3. Promote Inclusivity: Adapt vintage ads to reflect modern values of inclusivity and sensitivity, demonstrating how far advertising has evolved in its approach to diverse audiences.
  4. Foster Innovation: Experiment with blending old and new advertising techniques, learning how historical strategies can inform and inspire contemporary marketing.

What Types of Advertising Should We Explore?

The possibilities are endless, but here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Classic Print Ads: Reimagine iconic print advertisements from the 1920s to the 1960s, updating their visuals and messages to appeal to modern sensibilities.
  • Radio and TV Spots: Take popular radio jingles or television commercials from the past and recreate them for today’s digital platforms, such as social media or streaming services.
  • Outdoor Advertising: Think billboards and posters from the mid-20th century, transformed with interactive elements or augmented reality features.
  • Product Packaging: Modernize the packaging design of vintage products, making them stand out on today’s crowded shelves while maintaining their nostalgic appeal.
  • Social and Digital Campaigns: Envision how classic ads would play out on today’s social media platforms, utilizing hashtags, influencers, and user-generated content.

Join the Creative Revolution

We invite you to submit your ideas and concepts for The Lab. Whether you’re a seasoned marketer, a design enthusiast, or someone with a passion for history and creativity, we want to hear from you. Share your suggestions for vintage ads you’d like to see reimagined or propose entirely new concepts set in historical contexts.

Submit your ideas and let’s take this creative journey together. The Lab is not just about looking back—it’s about learning, innovating, and creating something truly unique that bridges the past and the present.

Together, we can uncover the timeless principles of advertising and see how they can be transformed to meet the needs and values of today’s world. Join The Lab, and let’s make advertising history!


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