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Historical Overview of Branding and Marketing from Ancient Markets to the Industrial Revolution

1024 576 Michael Kraabel

From ancient marks of craftsmanship to the trademarks of the industrial age, branding and marketing have become central to the commerce and culture of societies worldwide. This historical evolution set the stage for the sophisticated marketing strategies of the modern era, demonstrating the enduring importance of branding in connecting producers…

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Customer Evolution through Aspirational Identity

1024 663 Michael Kraabel

In a time when consumer expectations extend beyond product functionality to encompass personal growth and identity enhancement, brands face the imperative to evolve. This is where the Voyager Brand Value Model (VBVM) comes in, a conceptual framework designed to anchor brand value in the aspirational identity of the consumer. By…

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Voyager Brand Value Model Exploration

1024 683 Michael Kraabel

It’s time for us to move beyond the purpose-driven “why” framework and other brand models that focus exclusively on the customer in a static state. A new approach, focusing on “who” the customer becomes through engaging with the brand, emphasizing their aspirational identity and transformational journey, should be explored. This…

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The Adaptive Brand Ecosystem Model

1024 574 Michael Kraabel

Adopting and developing a brand model provides structure and direction to branding activities. It ensures strategic focus, guides investment in high-impact initiatives, fosters innovation, guarantees consistency across touchpoints, enables effective measurement and evaluation, and aligns internal stakeholders. Most of all, it serves as a blueprint for your marketing and brand…

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