My Blog

with small media

The Manifesto Poster Series

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At Brand Voyagers, I’m diving headfirst into a unique blend of science, creativity, and, well, a few passion projects that I probably shouldn’t be spending too much time on—but they’re just too fun to resist. This work has become a fascinating journey, one that’s pushing the boundaries of traditional branding…

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Writing Brand Voyagers

1024 695 Michael Kraabel

For many years, I’ve had a burning desire to document my experiences and insights into branding and marketing. As a Creative Director and Marketing Strategist, I’ve spent countless hours developing strategies, processes, and approaches that have shaped numerous brands. Now, I’m finally taking the time to write it all down…

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Understanding and Utilizing Brand Archetypes in Branding

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Brand archetypes are powerful tools that help marketers define and communicate a brand’s personality, purpose, and position. Rooted in Carl Jung’s psychological theories, archetypes represent universal symbols and themes that resonate with people across cultures and time. In branding, these archetypes help focus efforts, ensuring consistency and authenticity in brand…

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The Modern Take-Down Culture: A Personal Reflection and a Call for Empathy

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In today’s digital age, the line between civil discourse and personal attacks has blurred. As someone who’s been the face of a company under public scrutiny, I’ve experienced firsthand how quickly criticism can escalate into personal attacks. The internet, with its message boards and review sites, has fostered a toxic…

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