My Blog

with small media

Can ChatGPT and Large Language Models Really Think?

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It’s an exciting time to witness how fast artificial intelligence (AI) is advancing, particularly with the rise of large language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT. These models have revolutionized everything from customer service to content creation, but there’s a critical question that lingers in the background: Can AI actually think? At…

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The Power of Voting

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From a young age, politics has been in my blood. I remember being that curious kid, sitting around the dinner table, eagerly listening to the grown-ups talk about elections, policies, and the future of our country. I didn’t always understand everything they said, but I knew that these conversations mattered.…

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A Prescription for Marketing Success

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When you think about your health, you probably envision your local hospital—a place that’s equipped to handle every kind of ailment, from a minor scrape to complex surgeries. Yet, despite all those services available, you usually only visit the hospital for one specific reason. Maybe it’s a cold that won’t…

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The Future Might Be Code-Free

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As someone who has been developing on WordPress for 20 years, I’ve always prided myself on my ability to tinker. I’ve dabbled in code here and there in my younger years, but I wouldn’t call myself a developer. Most of my skills came from necessity rather than formal training, and…

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