My Blog

with small media

    Finding Truth and the Human Content Condition

    1024 576 Michael Kraabel

    I like to experiment. I view myself somewhat of a marketing engineer, constantly looking at ways to break down tools, methods, processes, and technology, to find out how it all works, before I put it back together again.

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    Translating Marketing Resumes

    1024 576 Michael Kraabel

    I spend more time on LinkedIn these days than any other social platform. Partially because it’s free of the usual internet garbage, no political shouting matches, no viral thirst traps. But mostly because LinkedIn is the ultimate real-time case study of people in transition.

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    How Agencies Often Sabotage Themselves

    1024 574 Michael Kraabel

    I have always believed that an agency should function as a “teaching” organization just as much as a “thinking, doing, and making” organization. The agency should be viewed as a partner that prioritizes educating, comforting, and guiding clients through unfamiliar territory. Brand Noise PodcastHow Agencies Often Sabotage ThemselvesBrand Noise PodcastHow Agencies…

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    Navigating the Uncanny Valley in Brand Marketing

    1024 576 Michael Kraabel

    The concept of the uncanny valley isn't new, but it's never been more relevant. First coined by Japanese roboticist Masahiro Mori in 1970, the uncanny valley describes the unsettling feeling we experience when something, usually a robot or digital representation, becomes almost lifelike but not quite. The more human-like something…

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