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Developed a new brand campaign for Blink – Blinds-Between-Glass by ODL.  The new campaign focused on both retail and trade sales.

The Challenge

ODL challenged us to not only develop an entirely new brand name and identity system for their new blinds-between-glass product but also to develop a campaign and digital strategy to launch it to trade and consumer audiences.

The Solution

My team developed a comprehensive brand platform, naming the new product “blink” and developing an extensive catalog of brand assets to use across both traditional print media and a heavy digital launch.

Camel Trophy Defender

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I lead the team in the process of documenting the intricate process of unearthing a distinctive and rare gem: the Land Rover Defender Camel Trophy Truck.


Chasing The Camel Trophy

Land Rover Adventure Series

The film series delves into the rich history of the Camel Trophy, understanding its legacy and the essence that renders these vehicles highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts.

The documentary follows the thrilling pursuit of this prized vehicle, capturing the thrill of the hunt and the allure behind these collectibles. A pivotal part of this captivating tale is the creation of the documentary itself, a compelling narrative that chronicles the expedition’s highs and lows.

The final drive across Wales’s rugged, picturesque mountains becomes a poignant part of this tale, an evocative journey before the ultimate voyage of the vehicle to the United States, marking a pivotal chapter in this remarkable story.

Honeywell Wi-Fi Thermostats

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Blink – by ODL

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ODL challenged us to bring their new Blinds Between Glass product line to life. The series of touching family moments highlighted the products unique features.

Honeywell Air Coolers

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Prairie Companies

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Ecolab – Epic

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About The Project

When Ecolab merged with Nalco, it created an opportunity to re-define the story of the unified companies. With a global footprint of of over 160 different countries, the power of the combined companies could only be told in an Epic film.

Our film crew traveled around the world to capture the ways Ecolab makes the world a better place to live. From protecting precious water supplies to conserving energy, Ecolab ensures a better future for humanity.

The photo and video content was used across a variety of platforms, including internal and external communications. We translated the series into localized content for key markets.

Behind the Scenes in Alaska

PaceLabs – Anthem

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Magic Ring Donuts

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Launched a new doughnut brand from scratch. The new product featured a unique method of filling each doughnut with a filling all the way around. The new brand name represented not only the physical makeup of the product but the fun you have with every bite.