

1024 576 Michael Kraabel

Directed a series of branded spots to highlight the value of hiring a REALTOR to help you with your home transaction.

Kerr Dental

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Kerr Dental was looking for a campaign to celebrate their 125 year anniversary. This project was designed to reach out to the dental industry and engage them on a more personal level.


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After extensive research and a global rebranding project, I was commissioned to develop a brand anthem to help introduce the newly combined company to the world.

3D Systems

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Guided 3D Systems through the complicated landscape of digital lead generation for their On Demand and printer sales divisions.

3D Systems Overview

3D Systems On Demand Manufacturing is a service provided by 3D Systems, a company specializing in 3D printing technologies. This service offers custom manufacturing solutions using 3D printing and traditional manufacturing methods.

It caters to various industries, including aerospace, automotive, healthcare, and consumer goods. The service enables clients to produce prototypes, end-use parts, and production runs with a range of materials and finishes.


The Campaign

We developed an extensive asset library to use as part of this campaign, including photo and video assets, downloadable case studies, printing guides, and high value training tutorials for prospective customers.  In addition to digital lead tracking, each digital landing page and printed component utilized phone lead tracking, as well, allowing us to know exactly which publications and messages resonated best with the prospective customers.

The Details

The marketing program for 3D Systems’ On Demand Manufacturing (ODM) division is a comprehensive blend of traditional and digital strategies,  designed to maximize market reach and customer engagement. This program is structured in several key components:

Extensive Data Mapping: This involves in-depth analysis and segmentation of the market. Using advanced analytics, the program identifies potential customers in industries like aerospace, automotive, healthcare, and consumer products. It maps out customer profiles, preferences, and purchasing behaviors, providing a solid foundation for targeted marketing efforts.

Geofencing of Key Customers: Utilizing geofencing technology, the program targets key customers by setting virtual perimeters around specific geographic areas, such as industry hubs or competitor locations. When potential customers within these sectors use digital devices, they receive tailored advertising messages, enhancing the likelihood of engagement.

Programmatic Media Buying: This aspect leverages automated platforms to purchase digital advertising space. By using real-time data, the program efficiently targets ads to specific audiences across various online channels, ensuring optimal ad placement and timing for maximum impact.

Industry Publications Purchases: The program invests in advertising and content placement in leading industry publications. This traditional approach ensures brand visibility and thought leadership within the industry, reaching a professional audience through trusted sources.

Lead Scoring and Tracking: Prospective clients are scored based on their engagement and potential value. This system prioritizes leads, allowing the sales team to focus on the most promising prospects. Lead tracking tools monitor the progress of these leads through the sales funnel, providing insights into customer behavior and the effectiveness of marketing strategies.

Detailed Lead Tracking Metrics: The program employs advanced metrics to track leads, analyzing data like source attribution, engagement levels, conversion rates, and customer lifecycle stages. This data is crucial for refining marketing strategies, optimizing resource allocation, and improving overall ROI.

Build MN

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Developed a strategy and brand to recruit more people into the construction trades. Today more than ever, America needs men and women who will build. The current labor shortage in the building trades is projected to grow, which means those who join the trades will be paid more, receive more benefits and enjoy better lifestyles than at any other time in history.

Challenge + Strategy

We partnered with BATC – a local building association – to develop a long-term strategy and campaign to recruit more young men and women into the construction trades.  The strategy was focused on highlighting the potential for career and skill growth with young men and women who wanted more freedom and independence in their job choices.

Brand Creative

We developed a brand that would resonate with the audience and show a sense of pride in their choice.  The Build MN brand was designed to showcase how by being a part of the trades, you’re giving back to the community you’re part of. We focused on the team aspects of construction crews and how bonds are formed in these units.  The website, social media, and event outreach was all focused on highlighting the data that most of these young people didn’t know about the construction trades.

Dominica Challenge

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Rebranding a hidden Caribbean travel destination to the adventure- and experience-seeking millennial market.

The Origins

The inception of the Dominica Film Challenge marked a pivotal moment in the promotion and awareness of Dominica as a unique Caribbean destination. The concept was devised for the Discover Dominica Authority with two primary objectives: to significantly raise awareness about the island and to rejuvenate its image library with high-quality, professional content for advertising and promotional purposes.

This innovative approach focused on engaging a select group of influential content creators, inviting them to capture the essence of Dominica through their lenses. The idea was not just about creating a standard marketing campaign; it was about storytelling, showcasing the island through diverse, creative perspectives that would resonate with a global audience.

The event, held for two consecutive years, surpassed all expectations. It transformed into an award-winning global phenomenon, generating awareness and content that far exceeded even the most optimistic forecasts. The success of the Dominica Film Challenge was a testament to the power of creative collaboration and innovative marketing strategies in the digital age.

My personal journey to Dominica, undertaken as a solo adventure, played a crucial role in shaping the direction of this campaign. Representing Bolin Marketing, the North American Agency of Record for the Discover Dominica Tourism Authority, I experienced firsthand the raw, untamed beauty of Dominica. It was an adventurer’s paradise, starkly different from the typical Caribbean offerings focused on leisurely beach holidays.

Up until that point, Dominica’s marketing efforts were aligned with competing against more established Caribbean destinations, emphasizing similar themes of relaxation and beachside leisure. However, the true essence of Dominica was its uncharted, rugged landscape – a haven for explorers and adventure-seekers. It became clear that the island’s potential as a destination for exploration and adventure needed to be highlighted to attract travelers like myself, who yearned for more than the traditional Caribbean holiday experience.

The Dominica Film Challenge, therefore, emerged not just as a marketing campaign, but as a movement to redefine and reintroduce Dominica to the world. It was about unearthing the hidden gems of the island and presenting a narrative that appealed to those seeking a unique, off-the-beaten-path adventure. The challenge successfully put Dominica on the map as a must-visit destination for adventurers and explorers, altering perceptions and inviting the world to experience the island’s unspoiled natural beauty.

The Challenge

The “Dominica Film Challenge” is an annual event designed to showcase the natural beauty and cultural richness of Dominica, an island in the Caribbean. This creative endeavor invites filmmakers, photographers, and storytellers from around the world to capture the essence of Dominica through their unique lenses.

Participants are given a week to explore the island, known for its lush rainforests, vibrant underwater environments, and diverse local communities. They create short films, photo essays, or other multimedia pieces that highlight Dominica’s landscapes, wildlife, and cultural practices, like music, dance, and traditional crafts.

The challenge culminates in a public showcase where these works are displayed, celebrating the island’s allure and the talent of the participants. The event aims not only to promote tourism but also to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation of Dominica’s ecological and cultural treasures.

The Results

Visibility and impact:

Over 62 million online impressions  in the first year (well over 100 million in two years)

Google searches up 49%

150% increase in organic search to the DMO tourism website

5% increase in overall traffic to the tourism website

75% growth in social communities

Follow on feature stories in Wall Street Journal, Backpacker magazine and LIAT’s inflight  magazine, Zing!

Content/Image library refresh:

Thousands of pieces of new high quality content

A dozen  examples of engaging film content that sells the destination

Two dozen new source market ambassadors


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In the aftermath of hurricane Erika, the Commonwealth of Dominica was looking to attract adventure-seeking travelers for their next vacation. Covered with lush tropical jungle, volcanic peaks, and dotted with rivers and waterfalls, Dominica offers a much different island experience. My team developed the “Seeking Adventurers” campaign to target active travelers looking for a unique experience.

The Campaign

The “Seeking Adventurers” campaign is a dynamic and innovative initiative launched with the Caribbean island of Dominica, aimed at attracting travelers who crave exploration and adventure. The campaign highlights Dominica’s unique offerings, distinct from typical beach-focused Caribbean destinations.

Central to the campaign is Dominica’s rugged and pristine natural environment. The island, often referred to as the “Nature Isle,” boasts lush rainforests, dramatic volcanic landscapes, and a rich array of wildlife. The campaign emphasizes activities like hiking through the UNESCO-listed Morne Trois Pitons National Park, exploring the Boiling Lake, diving in Champagne Reef’s bubbly waters, and encountering the island’s rich marine life.

Cultural immersion is also a key component. The campaign invites adventurers to engage with the island’s rich cultural heritage, including its indigenous Kalinago community, and to experience local traditions, music, and cuisine.

Media Outreach

The “Seeking Adventurers” campaign is promoted through various digital platforms, social media, travel partnerships, and interactive events, targeting eco-conscious travelers and adventure-seekers worldwide. This strategic approach aims not just to boost tourism, but also to foster sustainable travel practices in alignment with Dominica’s commitment to environmental conservation and cultural preservation.

The campaign was directly tied to post-hurricane recovery, as tourism quickly rebounded, bringing much needed income and jobs to the island.

Creative Partnerships

For the Seeking Adventurers Campaign we were able to use an extensive library of photo and film content gathered during the Dominica Film Challenge Events I produced. We had a vast library to pull from that showcased the raw adventure that awaited potential visitors.

Authentic Adventures

By featuring real imagery captured by adventurers who had previously visited the island, it gave the campaign a sense of honesty and transparency.  The campaign landing page featured a variety of itineraries people could select from, including places to stay, ways to get to Dominica, and first-hand testimonials from previous travelers.


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Developed a new brand campaign for Blink – Blinds-Between-Glass by ODL.  The new campaign focused on both retail and trade sales.

The Challenge

ODL challenged us to not only develop an entirely new brand name and identity system for their new blinds-between-glass product but also to develop a campaign and digital strategy to launch it to trade and consumer audiences.

The Solution

My team developed a comprehensive brand platform, naming the new product “blink” and developing an extensive catalog of brand assets to use across both traditional print media and a heavy digital launch.

D-Link – Cloud Cameras

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Produced and Directed a launch campaign for D-Link’s new line of cloud-based security cameras.


Cloud Security Camera Launch Campaign

The Challenge

I worked closely with the D-Link internal brand team to write, produce, and direct content for their new cloud camera product launch.  D-Link had previously been known primarily for technical networking tools, making the new consumer focused product one of their first in the company’s history.

The Solution

We developed a series of scripts focused on using the new D-Link security cameras as a way for parents to check in on their little ones, while they were away (or even in the next room).  Not having access to a working nursery, I ended up building one in the second  bedroom of my own home.

Ultradeck – by Menards

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Wrote, Directed, and Produced a series of television spots used to launch the new line of Ultradeck products at Mendards.


New Product Launch Campaign

The Challenge

We were challenged to come up with a unique concept that highlighted the new Ultradeck product from Menards. The new composite decking product  was a major evolution in quality and performance from their previous products. The challenge was that the product was early in production … in the middle of the winter.

The Solution

We had the product engineers build us a 12×12 decking platform in our in-house studio, where we were able to mount a stationary overhead camera and re-set the stage to highlight all the unique ways the decking product could be used, and the durability of the product.