
Inner Explorer

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Developed a targeted media campaign focused on travelers seeking a more active vacation experience in a tropical environment – highlighted by real-world adventures.

We are Dominica

Dominica is beauty unspoiled. Culture preserved—a diver’s dream and hiker’s paradise.

Dominica is the trailhead to adventure and discovery, unlike any other Caribbean

Dominica features volcanic peaks, boiling waters, and underwater champagne springs.

Sparkling waterfalls, rushing streams, and rainforest canopies. On Dominica, we
celebrate music, art, and flowers.

We call ourselves The Nature Island. Not just because we believe it but because we have earned it. And once you step foot on our shores, you’ll forever be transformed.

We’re inviting you to discover your inner explorer.


Dominica is unlike her neighboring islands. She does not have mega-resorts, white sandy beaches, late-night discos, and adult entertainment.  She is a calm, natural paradise suited only for those with a sense of adventure.  While most people look to the Caribbean for a relaxing vacation, we were challenged to develop a campaign that would appeal to those with a more active experience in mind.


We wanted to showcase the Commonwealth of Dominica’s distinct allure: its rugged landscapes, rich cultural heritage, and diverse ecological wonders. This campaign needed to transcend conventional Caribbean tourism tropes, highlighting Dominica’s appeal to those who crave adventure, cultural immersion, and ecological exploration. The goal was to connect with individuals who value authenticity over luxury, and who are eager to explore the road less traveled.

Discover Adventure

Discovering Your Inner Explorer means leaving the chaos of the world behind and
renewing your sense of adventure.

Come hike our mountains, explore our beaches, and discover what it feels like to get
back to nature again and what it feels like to find your sense of place.

Drink in the fresh air.
Feel the smooth sand beneath your feet.
Stand in amazement at the natural wonders of the world.
Recharge your body and mind.
Change your perspective on life.

Uniquely Natural. Naturally Unique.

A rich tapestry of lush rain forests, rivers and waterfalls, with volcanic wonders on land and under the sea. The people of Dominica welcome you to share the beauty and tranquility of “Nature’s Island.”

To discover the rich culture of the people. An enriching Eco tourism experience. The physical challenge of extreme adventure. Or the serenity of a secluded spa retreat. When you discover Dominica, you discover yourself – and a Caribbean experience like no other.

We invited explorers to come to experience the true wonders of nature. Hike from the tips of the water’s edge to the highest peak on the island and declare their renewed love of life. Challenge their bodies, minds, and spirits to let go of the outside world and allow themselves to be transformed.

We used film and photography assets from a group of travel influences who were invited down to participate in the Dominica Film Challenge. We tagged the original travelers in both digital and print media, allowing prospective adventurers the opportunity to research and investigate the real people behind the photographs and the experiences. Primary photography by Sarah Lee and Alison Teal – an adventure travel team from Hawaii and Southern California.

3D Systems – Medical

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Worked closely with 3D Systems Medical Divison to develop a campaign to support their field marketing, tradeshow, and lead generation programs.


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Developed a digital-first go-to-market strategy for Honeywell’s new line of revolutionary Wi-Fi connected Lyric Thermostats.

The Challenge

Honeywell faced a growing challenge from Nest, disrupting the home thermostat space, using connected technology and a sleek modern design.  We were challenged to deliver a compelling digital-first launch campaign to put Honeywell back in the lead.

The Strategy

We developed a comprehensive digital strategy, leading the Honeywell internal marketing and product teams through my Distill workshop methodology to get alignment, uncover insights, and develop a comprehensive plan to bring the new product to market.  Following the roadmap, my team developed an ecosystem of marketing assets and tools, including digital media, social content, channel support materials, website, support/install videos, and more.


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After extensive research and a global rebranding project, I was commissioned to develop a brand anthem to help introduce the newly combined company to the world.

Build MN

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Developed a strategy and brand to recruit more people into the construction trades. Today more than ever, America needs men and women who will build. The current labor shortage in the building trades is projected to grow, which means those who join the trades will be paid more, receive more benefits and enjoy better lifestyles than at any other time in history.

Challenge + Strategy

We partnered with BATC – a local building association – to develop a long-term strategy and campaign to recruit more young men and women into the construction trades.  The strategy was focused on highlighting the potential for career and skill growth with young men and women who wanted more freedom and independence in their job choices.

Brand Creative

We developed a brand that would resonate with the audience and show a sense of pride in their choice.  The Build MN brand was designed to showcase how by being a part of the trades, you’re giving back to the community you’re part of. We focused on the team aspects of construction crews and how bonds are formed in these units.  The website, social media, and event outreach was all focused on highlighting the data that most of these young people didn’t know about the construction trades.

SAM Nutrition

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Worked directly with the SAM Nutrition executive team to refresh and modernize the brand – from tradeshows to digital experiences.

The Challenge

SAM Nutrition is a growing international importer of animal nutrition ingredients, but they had never really spent much time developing their brand.  They needed a refresh to reflect their status as a global leader in importing.

The Solution

We completely rebuilt their website from the ground up, including original photography to better represent their unique market offering.  The brand standards were updated and applied across all of their OEM packaging products, trade show booths, and various other marketing elements.


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Developed a new brand campaign for Blink – Blinds-Between-Glass by ODL.  The new campaign focused on both retail and trade sales.

The Challenge

ODL challenged us to not only develop an entirely new brand name and identity system for their new blinds-between-glass product but also to develop a campaign and digital strategy to launch it to trade and consumer audiences.

The Solution

My team developed a comprehensive brand platform, naming the new product “blink” and developing an extensive catalog of brand assets to use across both traditional print media and a heavy digital launch.


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A brand identity system for a fractional CMO agency and consulting practice.

Project Challenge

Details coming soon.

Creative Approach

Details coming soon.

Blink – by ODL

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ODL challenged us to bring their new Blinds Between Glass product line to life. The series of touching family moments highlighted the products unique features.