Chasing The Camel Trophy

Documentary and Adventure Series

    I lead the team in the process of documenting the intricate process of unearthing a distinctive and rare gem: the Land Rover Defender Camel Trophy Truck.


    Chasing The Camel Trophy

    Land Rover Adventure Series

    The film series delves into the rich history of the Camel Trophy, understanding its legacy and the essence that renders these vehicles highly sought after by collectors and enthusiasts.

    The documentary follows the thrilling pursuit of this prized vehicle, capturing the thrill of the hunt and the allure behind these collectibles. A pivotal part of this captivating tale is the creation of the documentary itself, a compelling narrative that chronicles the expedition’s highs and lows.

    The final drive across Wales’s rugged, picturesque mountains becomes a poignant part of this tale, an evocative journey before the ultimate voyage of the vehicle to the United States, marking a pivotal chapter in this remarkable story.