Michael Kraabel

Branding - Marketing - Creative Direction

The Power of Voting

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From a young age, politics has been in my blood. I remember being that curious kid, sitting around the dinner table, eagerly listening to the grown-ups talk about elections, policies, and the future of our country. I didn’t always understand everything they said, but I knew that these conversations mattered. They were the building blocks of the democracy we live in today. I was drawn to these discussions not out of a desire to win arguments, but because I believed that the decisions we make together shape our nation.

As I grew older, my passion for understanding our political system deepened. I pursued a degree in political science, hoping to not only understand the mechanics of government but also to approach it with the same open heart that I had as a boy. Back then, politics felt like something people only talked about in short bursts during election cycles. It was a conversation you’d have every few years, and then life would go on.

Today, the world looks very different. Politics is no longer something we can tune in and out of—it’s constant, it’s everywhere, and it’s overwhelming. The 24/7 news cycle, social media, and endless debates can make it feel like we’re drowning in political noise. But here’s the thing: while politics may feel all-consuming right now, we must remember that voting is still the most powerful tool we have to make a difference. Voting is how we reclaim our ability to focus on our daily lives while ensuring that the right leaders are steering the ship.

The power of voting lies in its simplicity. It’s the moment where we each get to decide who has the better ideas, who has the clearest vision, and which candidate truly represents the interests of our country. Every vote is a small but significant act of revolution, a way to steer the course of our nation without violence, without anger, but with a pen and a ballot.

As President Franklin D. Roosevelt once said, “Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves, and the only way they could do this is by not voting.” In a time when it feels like everything is spiraling out of control, voting is our anchor. It’s the one thing we can each do to make sure our voices are heard and that our country reflects the will of its people.

Yes, the nation is divided. But that’s not a reason to shy away from our civic duty—it’s the exact reason we should embrace it. The beauty of democracy is that we are blessed with the opportunity to vote, to participate in a peaceful revolution every two to four years. This isn’t about hating someone for their ideas or their beliefs. As Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. reminded us, “We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools.” It’s okay to disagree on policy or personality, but we must never allow those disagreements to turn into hatred.

We are all entitled to our beliefs, and we all have a duty to engage in the political process. Our candidates are meant to represent us so that we can return to our lives knowing that we’ve done our part. Voting isn’t just about supporting a candidate; it’s about supporting the very foundation of our democracy. As Thomas Jefferson said, “The government you elect is the government you deserve.” This is why we vote—not just to choose our leaders, but to choose the direction of our future.

So, as we approach the upcoming election, let’s remember the power of the vote. Let’s recognize that our nation’s strength lies in the fact that we can come together, even in disagreement, to shape our shared future. Let’s celebrate that we have the freedom to choose, and let’s use that freedom wisely.

Voting is our civic duty. It’s our chance to make our voices heard, to shape the future, and to engage in a peaceful revolution. So when the time comes, don’t stand by. Step up, cast your vote, and be part of the change. The world is watching us—let’s show them what true democracy looks like.

Some of my closest friends stand firmly on the opposite side of the political spectrum, and I love them dearly for it. Our differing views haven’t weakened our bond; they’ve strengthened it. We’ve had countless debates and spirited discussions, but through it all, we’ve maintained respect, understanding, and a deep appreciation for each other’s perspectives. It’s a reminder that our democracy thrives on diversity of thought, and that meaningful relationships can and should transcend politics. Disagreeing on policies or candidates doesn’t mean we can’t find common ground in our shared values and mutual respect.

There’s too much hate in the world right now. Instead of compassion, it feels like people’s default reaction is revenge or retribution. We’ve stopped seeing each other’s humanity, focusing more on differences than the things that connect us. It’s as if we’ve forgotten that behind every belief, every opinion, there’s a person—a fellow human being with hopes, dreams, and struggles, just like us. We need to take a step back, breathe, and remember that empathy and understanding are what truly make us strong. It’s time to bring back the compassion that seems to be slipping away.

My Political Statement for the Season:

My contribution to this election cycle is to remind you to vote—no matter who you choose. I don’t care if it’s for one candidate, the other, or someone else entirely. If you’re stuck and can’t decide, hey, write in your mom. And if you don’t think she’d be up for the job, feel free to write in my dad—he’s pretty great, and I’m sure he’d be up for the challenge. I think he’s bored in retirement. Just make sure you get out there and vote because that’s what truly matters.

Check out our new bipartisan T-shirts, perfect for those who believe in the power of voting without the drama. These tees are about as political as I’ll get online—designed to celebrate democracy and encourage everyone to make their voice heard, no matter who they support. Grab yours today and show the world that the revolution starts at the polls.


A Prescription for Marketing Success

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When you think about your health, you probably envision your local hospital—a place that’s equipped to handle every kind of ailment, from a minor scrape to complex surgeries. Yet, despite all those services available, you usually only visit the hospital for one specific reason. Maybe it’s a cold that won’t go away or a pesky knee pain that flares up after your morning run. Regardless, you trust your doctor to address your immediate concern and advise you on the next steps to keep your entire body in good shape for years to come.

This scenario is strikingly similar to how you should view your relationship with a marketing agency. Just as a hospital is there for your health, an agency is there for your business’s well-being. And while an agency can provide a full range of services—everything from branding to SEO to video production—you likely approach them with a specific pain point in mind. Maybe it’s a website that isn’t converting or a social media campaign that’s falling flat. Whatever it is, your agency should not only fix the issue but also take the time to look at the bigger picture and offer advice on how to keep your business healthy for the long term.

More Than a Quick Fix

Think about your last doctor’s visit. Maybe you went in for a sore throat, but a good doctor wouldn’t stop there. They might ask about your diet, remind you of an upcoming vaccination, or suggest a cholesterol test. They’re thinking holistically—how your sore throat fits into your overall health picture and how you can avoid bigger issues down the line.

A good agency works in much the same way. Sure, you might come in because your paid search ads are underperforming, but a full-service agency won’t stop at the symptoms. They’ll take a holistic view of your marketing ecosystem. Maybe they’ll suggest a revamp of your website’s user experience to improve conversions or recommend content strategies that build your brand over time. They’re not just treating your pain point—they’re ensuring your business thrives in the long run.

You Don’t Need Every Procedure

Now, let’s be real. If you walked into a hospital and said, “Give me every test, treatment, and procedure you offer,” you’d be bankrupt in no time. The same goes for marketing services. You don’t need every service all at once. It’s important to prioritize based on your current business needs and long-term goals.

A good agency, like a good doctor, will help you prioritize. Maybe you don’t need an expensive branding overhaul right now, but improving your email marketing could bring a quick and measurable boost to your bottom line. A full-service agency can identify what’s most pressing today, what can wait, and what will keep your business healthy for the future.

Trusting the Experts

Trust is the foundation of any relationship with a doctor, and it should be the same with your agency. You trust your doctor because they have years of experience and expertise that you don’t. They know the latest treatments and understand the best ways to keep you healthy. Similarly, a good agency is steeped in the latest marketing trends, technology, and data. They know what works, what doesn’t, and what’s coming next.

When your doctor tells you that you need surgery, you trust that it’s the right move for your health. Likewise, when your agency tells you that your website needs a complete overhaul, it’s because they have the knowledge and experience to know it’s the right move for your business. Yes, there are economic factors at play in both scenarios, but a good doctor and a good agency always have your best interests at heart.

A Holistic Approach to Your Business Health

At the end of the day, you want both your doctor and your agency to take a holistic approach. You want a healthcare plan that not only fixes the problems but also prevents future issues, just like you want a marketing plan that doesn’t just solve immediate challenges but sets your business up for long-term success.

So, when you’re looking for an agency, think of it like finding the right hospital. Look for one that offers a wide range of services and expertise but knows how to prioritize based on your current needs. Trust them to diagnose your pain points and to guide you through the options that will keep your business healthy and thriving for years to come.

Just like you wouldn’t trust your health to just anyone, don’t trust your business to just any agency. Make sure you have experts who care about the bigger picture, just like your doctor does for your body.

Your business deserves full-service care, and a great agency can provide just that.

The Future Might Be Code-Free

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As someone who has been developing on WordPress for 20 years, I’ve always prided myself on my ability to tinker. I’ve dabbled in code here and there in my younger years, but I wouldn’t call myself a developer. Most of my skills came from necessity rather than formal training, and I’ve always found ways to work around problems. But recently, I found myself intrigued by a TikTok video showcasing Claude.ai, an AI-powered tool that can help create apps and plugins.

Watching someone generate code without traditional development knowledge struck a chord with me. That spark of curiosity took me down a path that changed how I approach plugin development.

The Birth of My Brand Archetype Plugin

Years ago, I developed a brand archetype survey as a paper test. It was a solid piece of work, rooted in deep research and a love for branding archetypes, but it always remained a manual process. The idea of turning it into a WordPress plugin had been on my mind for ages, but like many side projects, it got pushed down the to-do list. When I saw what Claude could do, I realized it was time to dust off my old project and bring it into the digital age.

I started by converting the test into an Excel document to make sure my logic held up. It worked, but it still required manual calculation. Seeing the potential, I dove headfirst into Claude.ai, thinking, “Why not try turning this into a WordPress plugin?”

Building the plugin with Claude was like sitting next to a lightning-fast developer who could take my business requirements and instantly translate them into code. I had to brush up on some technical survey knowledge, but it wasn’t as overwhelming as I expected. The process was incredibly smooth, and whenever bugs cropped up, Claude helped me troubleshoot and guided me through potential fixes. In just a few hours, I had a working prototype of the plugin that functioned about 90% as I envisioned. Sure, there are still some nuances to iron out and features to add, but the heavy lifting was done.

The Future of Development: Code-Free?

This experience got me thinking about the future of technology and development. Tools like Claude are making it easier for people like me—who may not have kept up with the latest coding trends—to build functional, complex applications without getting deep into the weeds of programming. We’re standing on the brink of a code-free future where technology workers won’t need to know every programming language or the ins and outs of a specific codebase. Instead, they’ll be able to focus on the creative, strategic side of projects, using AI to handle the technical heavy lifting.

And Claude isn’t the only one leading this charge. Systems like GitHub Copilot and ChatGPT are offering similar capabilities. Developers are already integrating these AI tools into their workflows to generate code, troubleshoot issues, and even refactor projects. It’s a brave new world for development, one that is rapidly evolving and opening doors for more people to create without the traditional learning curve.

Other Use Cases for Claude

Beyond plugins, Claude has been helping people with a wide range of development needs. Some use it to automate tasks, streamline workflows, and even design full-fledged web applications. It’s empowering non-technical professionals to experiment and build ideas that would have once required a dedicated team of developers. From automating email responses to designing e-commerce platforms, the possibilities are endless.

I’ve seen small business owners use Claude to build custom solutions for their shops, and marketers create dynamic content systems to manage and deploy campaigns. It’s a versatile tool that, in the right hands, can make complex technical work accessible to the masses.

What Should I Build Next?

This journey has reinvigorated my love for creating, and I’d love to hear from fellow marketers and developers: what plugin ideas have you been sitting on? Whether it’s something that simplifies a tedious task, automates a process, or brings a new level of creativity to branding, let’s brainstorm! The code-free future is here, and it’s up to us to take advantage of it.

If you’re interested in brand archetypes and want to see the plugin in action, you can check out the archetype survey on the Brand Voyagers page here. It’s exciting to think about how AI like Claude can continue to evolve this field and create more tools that empower us to explore branding in new ways.

I’m looking forward to hearing your ideas and sharing more about what comes next in this AI-driven development adventure!

The Relaunch of Zubaz

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In the late 1980s, two friends with a passion for fitness and bold fashion launched a brand that would become an icon in the world of sports and fashion: Zubaz. Created by Dan Stock and Bob Truax, Zubaz began as a simple idea to make comfortable workout pants for bodybuilders.

But what started as a niche product soon exploded into a cultural phenomenon, with its signature zebra-striped patterns becoming a staple of the 90s. From athletes to fans, Zubaz pants were everywhere, especially in the world of professional sports. The brand became synonymous with the flamboyant, anything-goes spirit of the era.

As Zubaz rose to fame, it wasn’t just athletes sporting the bold designs; it was regular people too. From stadiums to city streets, Zubaz became a must-have item, capturing the hearts of those who wanted to stand out. The brand became a symbol of bold self-expression, aligning itself with the loud, unapologetic aesthetic of the 90s.

However, as with many success stories, Zubaz faced growing pains. As the brand expanded, it struggled to keep pace with the rapidly changing fashion landscape. The original founders, Stock and Truax, eventually lost control of the company, and Zubaz began to fade from the public eye. The brand that had once been a fashion statement seemed destined to be just another relic of a bygone era.

The Comeback

But every good story deserves a comeback. Years after losing control of their creation, Stock and Truax re-acquired the rights to Zubaz. They saw an opportunity to revive the brand that had brought so much joy to people during its heyday. But relaunching a brand isn’t easy, especially one so deeply tied to a specific time period. It needed to be done right.

That’s where I had the wonderful opportunity to help them re-launch Zubaz. When the original founders approached me, I knew that relaunching Zubaz wasn’t just about bringing back a product—it was about reigniting a cultural moment.

We knew that Zubaz had a legacy, and there was a built-in nostalgia for the brand among those who had grown up wearing the pants in the 90s. But the key to this relaunch wasn’t just about tapping into that nostalgia. It was about finding a new market with fresh perspectives and introducing Zubaz to a generation that might not have lived through its original wave of popularity but could still appreciate its kitsch factor.

The Relaunch Strategy: From Nostalgia to Novelty

Instead of focusing solely on the aging athletes and fans who had embraced Zubaz in the 90s, we shifted our focus to a younger audience—college kids, city dwellers, and anyone with a sense of humor and a love for the bold and quirky. We weren’t just selling pants; we were selling a piece of pop culture history, repackaged for a new generation.

With that strategy in mind, we prepared for the relaunch. We didn’t have a massive budget, so we had to be smart with our marketing efforts. After all, relaunching Zubaz wasn’t about flashy campaigns or over-the-top marketing gimmicks. It was about telling the right story to the right audience. We spent just $20 boosting the initial launch, but what followed was incredible.

Within 24 hours of launch, our story was being broadcast on CNN World News every half hour. It wasn’t because of some marketing genius, but simply because we had a well-placed story with a heritage brand that had come full circle. The idea of Zubaz making a comeback resonated with people—both those who remembered it fondly and those discovering it for the first time.

The result? $100,000 in online orders in the first week.

But we didn’t stop there. We wanted to create experiences around the brand, so we developed the first-ever ZubazPalooza pub crawl. With minimal promotion, we saw over 200 people streaming through the streets of downtown Minneapolis, all dressed in their finest Zubaz pants. It was a sight to behold—Zubaz was back, and it was bigger, bolder, and more fun than ever.

The Power of Nostalgia and New Perspectives

The relaunch of Zubaz wasn’t just about bringing back a brand from the 90s—it was about identifying a new market and tapping into a craving for nostalgia that many people didn’t even realize they had. By staying true to the brand’s roots while introducing it to a fresh audience, we were able to make Zubaz relevant again in a way that felt both authentic and exciting.

This experience taught us that relaunching a brand is about more than just reviving an old product. It’s about understanding the core essence of what made that brand special in the first place and finding new ways to connect with people today. Zubaz wasn’t just a pair of pants—it was an attitude, a statement, and a piece of pop culture history. And with the right strategy, we were able to bring that spirit back to life for a new generation.

So, what’s the takeaway from this story? Whether you’re launching a new brand or reviving an old one, success comes from staying true to your core while finding new ways to connect with your audience. Sometimes, all it takes is a well-timed story, a fresh perspective, and a willingness to take risks to turn a heritage brand into a modern success.

Your Meetings Suck. Use the 20/50 Rule To Make Them Awesome.

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I’ve always wondered how many people out there have ever argued that meetings are the key to their personal and professional productivity. I suspect there are very few. Don’t get me wrong, I actually value face-to-face meetings more than anything else in the world when it comes to knowledge transfer and getting alignment on important issues. In fact, I find myself ignoring emails and phone calls much more in favor of meetings. But if I’m in meetings all day, when does the actual work get done?

Meetings are Unproductive

For most job roles, a meeting means sitting around a table with a group of people that are all waiting for their turn to speak. We’ve all been in that situation before (likely on both sides). Look around the room about 50 minutes into a 60 minute meeting and you’ll likely observe most people drifting off, checking email, or “pretending” to check email on their phone.

Research says you should ban laptops and sitting down, set a timer, and have silence breaks if you want meetings that accomplish anything ( FastCompany).

Put a goldfish in a small fish bowl and it will remain small. Put them in a large aquarium and that same fish will continue to grow until it fills the tank (or so I might have read once on the Internet). The same goes for meetings. If you schedule an hour, the meeting will last an hour. If you schedule a 30 minute meeting, you’ll be rushed, but it will finish at the half hour mark (or beyond). For this reason, we believe it’s important to keep meetings in a fishbowl … um, we mean, purposefully short.

The 20/50 Model for Meeting Scheduling

In 2008, when we started Project Unplug, we developed a model that would take/give back 10 minutes from every hour long meeting, which ensured people would have the time to digest the current topic before rushing to the next task or meeting. Rather than schedule an hour meeting, we would schedule (or just run it)them for 50. With our days filled with meetings, this simple trick ended up giving our team a free hour each day to recharge, refocus, and reengage themselves in the subjects being discussed in meetings.

If you were to apply this same approach and methodology for half hour meetings, your organization could achieve massive gains in productivity. People will be less resentful of long meeting time and will likely work better together to ensure all topics are given their best attention, knowing they won’t have to rush from one topic to the next trying to play catch up all day.

Giving your team free time to reflect allows them to come in with fresh minds for the next meeting, or at least a decompression period before they go back to their desk to complete the rest of their work.

Let’s Review the Math:

  1. 15 Minute Stand-up Meeting = ok
  2. 20 Minute Discussion, 10 Minutes Free = 0k
  3. 50 Minute Meeting, 10 Minutes Free = ok
  4. All Day Planning/Training Sessions Without Breaks = What’s wrong with you?

How Does This Apply to You:

Let’s have a little fun with numbers and see just how much time you can save by adopting the 20/50 rule in your meetings. You might be wondering, why are we crunching these numbers? Well, if there’s one thing we’ve all learned, it’s that time is our most precious resource. And if meetings are notorious for one thing, it’s stealing that precious time—time that could be better spent on creative projects, personal growth, or just taking a well-deserved break.

Imagine for a moment that you work a standard five-day week, with anywhere between four to five hours of meetings each day. That’s a lot of time sitting around a table, staring at screens, or waiting for your turn to speak. Now, what if we could give you some of that time back? That’s where the 20/50 rule comes in—a simple yet brilliant tweak to your meeting schedule that frees up ten minutes from every hour-long meeting and five minutes from every half-hour meeting. It might not sound like much at first, but let’s break it down.

If you’re just starting out in your career and plan to work until you’re 65, adopting this rule could save you somewhere between 573 and 717 days over your career. Yes, you read that right—days, not hours! That’s nearly two full years of time that you could spend traveling the world, mastering a new skill, or even writing that novel you’ve always dreamed about.

For those of you in the middle of your career, say around age 35, you’re looking at saving 400 to 500 days by the time you retire. That’s enough time to finally take those extended vacations, pursue a passion project, or invest in some serious personal development. Imagine the difference an extra year and a half could make in your life!

And if you’re 50 and starting to count down the years to retirement, the 20/50 rule could still gift you an extra 200 to 250 days. Think of it as your early retirement plan—a few more months to enjoy the things you love, mentor the next generation, or simply kick back and relax.

Why do these calculations? Because they remind us that even the smallest adjustments in how we manage our time can lead to massive gains in productivity and quality of life. Meetings may be necessary, but they don’t have to eat up all your time. By adopting the 20/50 rule, you’re reclaiming your schedule, one meeting at a time, and turning those minutes into days—days you can use to enrich your career, your relationships, and your life.

10 Other Simple Rules For Productive Meetings

If you’re not in control of the meeting calendar for meetings, here are a few other rules/guidelines we find useful in running productive gatherings:

No Spectators

If someone is in a meeting, they should serve a purpose, or have a purpose for being there. If you find yourself sitting in a room with a bunch of people listening to one or two people do most of the work, start charging them an admission fee and sell them a ticket.

Screens Down

While it’s preference to have zero digital devices in meetings, sometimes they do show up. Make it a habit and a rule that screens should be faced down, laptops closed, and all “alerts” turned off. This will ensure people are focused and not distracted. One person should be responsible for notes and they can have their screen up for that purpose.

Schedule Short Meetings (20/50)

Think to yourself: does this need to be a meeting? One meeting? Two? What do we really need to accomplish? Is this just a meeting to meet? If so, cancel.

Stand Up (people will get tired)

It must be my body showing it’s age, but at a certain point we all stop going to live concerts and don’t enjoy standing for more than 15 minutes without moving around. Let’s use this to our advantage and have more standing/walking meetings. Few people linger around during stand up meetings.

Focus Your Agenda

Have an agenda. Stick to it. If new topics come up, modify the agenda. This simple task will keep people focused on the topics and less focused on CNN alerts.

One Meeting Owner

Each meeting should have a moderator that keeps to the agenda. They should sit in a central location where they can capture each person’s attention with the glance of an eye. This holds the audience accountable.

Forward Thinking. Few Reviews.

Review meetings should be reserved for historical societies and post-vacation discussions. If your meeting is more focused on “review” of material most people already know, cancel it. Flip the model and have the meetings focused only on stuff you’re working towards or future ideas.

End Meeting When It’s Over

It’s probably rude to just get up with a meeting is over, but I find myself doing it all the time. We all know when the meeting “is over,” we sometimes linger to see if anything else will happen. If there’s anytime to ignore your FOMO impulses, it’s at the end of a meeting.

Give Back Time

When a meeting doesn’t need to take the allotted time, don’t fill it. Don’t hold people hostage, it’s considered time-stealing. People will never resent you for saying, “well, we accomplished what we needed, let’s end this meeting.”

End Lists When You Don’t Have 10 Items

No, seriously… we’re done.


I originally wrote this article back in 2017 and posted it on LinkedIn, only to rediscover it recently. Even after all these years, I still use the 20/50 model, and it’s been a game-changer for my productivity. By sticking to these principles, I’ve gained years of extra time—time that’s been spent on more meaningful work, creative thinking, and, yes, even a little bit of fun. Give it a try; you might just find yourself with more hours in the day than you ever thought possible.

Let’s walk through the calculations step by step manually to determine the time savings using the 20/50 rule.


  • Workweek: 5 days a week
  • Weeks worked per year: 48 weeks (assuming 4 weeks off for vacation/holidays)
  • Meetings per day: Between 4 to 5 hours

Time Saved per Meeting:

  • For a 30-minute meeting: 10 minutes saved
  • For a 60-minute meeting: 10 minutes saved

Time Saved per Day:

  • Minimum Scenario (4 hours of meetings/day):
    • 8 half-hour meetings per day: 8×10 minutes8 \times 10 \text{ minutes} = 80 minutes saved per day
  • Maximum Scenario (5 hours of meetings/day):
    • 10 half-hour meetings per day: 10×10 minutes10 \times 10 \text{ minutes} = 100 minutes saved per day

Time Saved per Year:

  • Minimum Scenario:
    • Per week: 80 minutes/day×5 days80 \text{ minutes/day} \times 5 \text{ days} = 400 minutes/week
    • Per year: 400 minutes/week×48 weeks400 \text{ minutes/week} \times 48 \text{ weeks} = 19,200 minutes/year
  • Maximum Scenario:
    • Per week: 100 minutes/day×5 days100 \text{ minutes/day} \times 5 \text{ days} = 500 minutes/week
    • Per year: 500×48500 \times 48 = 24,000 minutes/year

Conversion to Hours and Days:

  • Minimum Scenario:
    • 19,200 minutes/year = 320 hours/year = 13.33 days/year
  • Maximum Scenario:
    • 24,000 minutes/year = 400 hours/year = 16.67 days/year

Career-Length Savings:

  1. New Worker (Age 22 to 65, 43 years of work):
    • Minimum: 320 hours/year×43 years=13,760 hours320 \text{ hours/year} \times 43 \text{ years} = 13,760 \text{ hours}
      • In Days: 13,760/2413,760 / 24 = 573 days
    • Maximum: 400×43=17,200 hours400 \times 43 = 17,200 \text{ hours}
      • In Days: 17,200/2417,200 / 24 = 717 days
  2. Mid-Career (Age 35 to 65, 30 years of work):
    • Minimum: 320×30=9,600 hours320 \times 30 = 9,600 \text{ hours}
      • In Days: 9,600/249,600 / 24 = 400 days
    • Maximum: 400×30=12,000 hours400 \times 30 = 12,000 \text{ hours}
      • In Days: 12,000/2412,000 / 24 = 500 days
  3. 50-Year-Old (Age 50 to 65, 15 years of work):
    • Minimum: 320×15=4,800 hours320 \times 15 = 4,800 \text{ hours}
      • In Days: 4,800/244,800 / 24 = 200 days
    • Maximum: 400×15=6,000 hours400 \times 15 = 6,000 \text{ hours}
      • In Days: 6,000/246,000 / 24 = 250 days

The Manifesto Poster Series

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At Brand Voyagers, I’m diving headfirst into a unique blend of science, creativity, and, well, a few passion projects that I probably shouldn’t be spending too much time on—but they’re just too fun to resist. This work has become a fascinating journey, one that’s pushing the boundaries of traditional branding and marketing in ways I hadn’t fully anticipated. It’s about documenting every step of the process, experimenting with new ideas, and creating something truly meaningful along the way.

The Science Behind the Art

The foundation of my work at Brand Voyagers is rooted in a scientific approach. I’m thoughtfully documenting methods and processes, analyzing what works and what doesn’t, and refining strategies that drive real results for clients. Whether it’s data-driven insights or structured methodologies for brand development, there’s a rigorous discipline behind everything we do. This isn’t just about gut feelings or creative whims—though there’s plenty of that too—it’s about backing up ideas with evidence and using that to guide the creative process.

Creativity in Full Swing

But science alone doesn’t capture the full picture. Creativity plays an equally vital role in the work we’re doing at Brand Voyagers. Every campaign, every piece of content, and every strategy is infused with a creative spark that makes it stand out. This is where the fun comes in—dreaming up new ideas, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible, and sometimes indulging in projects that are just for the joy of creating.

One of my favorite creative endeavors has been the development of a poster series for discipline manifestos. These posters are designed to do more than just look good on a wall—they’re meant to highlight the importance of various roles within a team and to serve as a kind of “owner’s manual” for anyone who needs to work with these professionals. Each manifesto provides insights into how these roles fit into the bigger picture, helping to foster a deeper understanding and appreciation across different disciplines.

The Poster Series: Discipline Manifestos

The idea behind the discipline manifesto posters came from a desire to bridge the gap between different roles within an organization. Whether it’s Craft Services, Project Management, or Social Media, each role has a critical part to play in the success of a project. But too often, the nuances and importance of these roles can be overlooked.

Each poster in the series is a celebration of these roles, capturing their essence in a fun, engaging way that’s also deeply informative. They’re part art, part instruction manual, designed to inspire and educate simultaneously. Whether you’re a veteran in the field or someone new to working with these roles, the manifestos offer valuable insights into how to collaborate more effectively.

Stuff I Probably Shouldn’t Be Working On, But…

Of course, not everything I’m working on is strictly “by the book.” There’s always room for those projects that don’t quite fit into the plan but are too exciting to ignore. These are the ideas that come to life late at night or during a moment of inspiration—a new approach to storytelling, a quirky campaign idea, or an innovative way to connect with an audience.

These passion projects might not always make it into the final deliverables, but they’re an essential part of the creative process. They keep the work fresh, fun, and filled with the kind of energy that leads to true innovation. It’s in these moments of creative freedom that some of the best ideas emerge—ideas that, while not planned, can often become the most impactful.

What’s Next at Brand Voyagers?

Looking ahead, I’m excited to continue blending science and creativity in ways that push the envelope. There’s always more to explore, more to document, and more to create. Whether it’s refining the poster series, diving deeper into the methods that drive success, or just seeing where the next creative spark takes me, the journey at Brand Voyagers is far from over.

So, if you’re curious about the intersection of science and creativity—or just want to see what happens when you mix a little discipline with a lot of imagination—stay tuned. There’s plenty more to come.

And if you’re in need of a little inspiration for your own team, don’t forget to check out the poster series. It might just be the owner’s manual you didn’t know you needed.

Writing Brand Voyagers

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For many years, I’ve had a burning desire to document my experiences and insights into branding and marketing. As a Creative Director and Marketing Strategist, I’ve spent countless hours developing strategies, processes, and approaches that have shaped numerous brands. Now, I’m finally taking the time to write it all down in “Brand Voyagers.”

This book is the culmination of years of practical experience and deep reflection on what makes brands truly resonate with people. It’s not just about sharing the history and lessons of marketing and branding but providing a comprehensive guide for those looking to bring discipline and strategic clarity to their organizations.

I’ve always believed that great branding goes beyond aesthetics; it’s about creating meaningful connections with audiences and telling compelling stories. Through “Brand Voyagers,” I aim to equip readers with the tools to craft these narratives and build strong, memorable brands. We’ll explore the foundational aspects of brand strategy, from defining core territories to aligning marketing tactics with overarching brand goals.

This project is personal and aspirational, as I’ve always wanted to provide a resource that goes beyond the typical focus on large, established brands. Instead, “Brand Voyagers” is tailored for small to medium-sized businesses and startups—those with the most exciting and challenging journeys ahead. It’s for business owners, marketers, creatives, and anyone curious about the art and science of branding.

“Brand Voyagers” isn’t just about the theory; it’s a practical guide designed to bring discipline to your organization’s marketing and branding efforts. The book offers actionable methods and structured approaches that readers can implement immediately. It covers everything from defining your brand’s purpose and mission to developing effective marketing strategies and campaigns.

I’m excited to share these lessons, methodologies, and stories, hoping to inspire and guide others on their own brand-building voyages. This book is a labor of love, a chance to reflect on the path I’ve traveled, and a way to help others navigate their unique brand journeys. Join me as we explore the world of branding together, setting sail towards creating something truly impactful and lasting.

Understanding and Utilizing Brand Archetypes in Branding

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Brand archetypes are powerful tools that help marketers define and communicate a brand’s personality, purpose, and position. Rooted in Carl Jung’s psychological theories, archetypes represent universal symbols and themes that resonate with people across cultures and time. In branding, these archetypes help focus efforts, ensuring consistency and authenticity in brand messaging and experiences.

The History of Archetypes

The concept of archetypes was developed by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung in the early 20th century. Jung identified recurring symbols and motifs in human experiences, which he believed stemmed from the collective unconscious—a shared pool of knowledge and experiences. These archetypes manifest in myths, stories, and dreams and embody fundamental human desires, fears, and motivations.

In the context of branding, archetypes serve as a framework to craft a brand’s narrative and personality. By aligning a brand with a specific archetype, marketers can create a consistent and relatable identity that resonates with their target audience.

Key Brand Archetypes and Their Applications

1. The Hero

Traits: Courageous, determined, honorable

The Hero archetype represents brands that inspire through achievement and perseverance. They often embody qualities like bravery, strength, and a desire to improve the world. Hero brands position themselves as the best in their category, striving to make a positive impact.

Examples: Nike, Duracell

Application: Hero brands should focus on messages of empowerment and overcoming challenges. They thrive on stories of triumph and excellence, appealing to consumers’ desire for strength and inspiration.

2. The Outlaw

Traits: Rebellious, unconventional, disruptive

The Outlaw archetype is about breaking the rules and challenging the status quo. These brands are seen as rebellious and provocative, often appealing to those who resist conformity.

Examples: Harley-Davidson, Virgin

Application: Outlaw brands should embrace bold and unconventional strategies. They can use edgy and daring communication styles, emphasizing freedom and innovation.

3. The Magician

Traits: Visionary, transformative, imaginative

Magician brands are all about transformation and creating extraordinary experiences. They inspire change and make the impossible possible.

Examples: Apple, Disney

Application: Magician brands should focus on innovation and creativity. They thrive on delivering unique and transformative products or services that inspire wonder and curiosity.

4. The Lover

Traits: Passionate, intimate, warm

The Lover archetype focuses on emotion, sensuality, and relationships. These brands appeal to the heart and the senses, often associated with luxury, indulgence, and personal connection.

Examples: Chanel, Victoria’s Secret

Application: Lover brands should emphasize aesthetics, beauty, and emotional engagement. Their messaging should evoke feelings of intimacy and pleasure.

5. The Jester

Traits: Fun, playful, light-hearted

Jester brands bring joy and laughter. They don’t take themselves too seriously and aim to entertain and surprise.

Examples: Old Spice, M&M’s

Application: Jester brands should use humor and playfulness in their messaging. They can take risks with unconventional campaigns and encourage a light-hearted, carefree attitude.

6. The Sage

Traits: Wise, knowledgeable, thoughtful

The Sage archetype represents wisdom and insight. These brands seek truth and knowledge, often positioned as experts in their field.

Examples: Google, The New York Times

Application: Sage brands should focus on providing valuable information and insights. They should position themselves as trusted sources of knowledge and thought leadership.

7. The Explorer

Traits: Adventurous, curious, independent

Explorer brands are about discovery and adventure. They appeal to consumers’ desire for freedom and exploration.

Examples: Jeep, The North Face

Application: Explorer brands should emphasize adventure, exploration, and self-discovery. They can use messaging that encourages consumers to break out of their comfort zones and seek new experiences.

8. The Innocent

Traits: Pure, optimistic, simple

The Innocent archetype is about simplicity and optimism. These brands promote happiness, trust, and positivity.

Examples: Coca-Cola, Dove

Application: Innocent brands should focus on positive messaging and simple, wholesome experiences. They can use imagery and language that evokes purity and happiness.

9. The Creator

Traits: Creative, imaginative, expressive

Creator brands focus on innovation and the creative process. They value self-expression and originality.

Examples: Lego, Adobe

Application: Creator brands should encourage creativity and innovation. They can engage their audience through artistic and imaginative content.

10. The Caregiver

Traits: Caring, nurturing, compassionate

The Caregiver archetype is about service and protection. These brands are supportive and nurturing, often associated with health and well-being.

Examples: Johnson & Johnson, TOMS

Application: Caregiver brands should focus on messages of care and support. They can highlight their commitment to helping others and improving lives.

11. The Ruler

Traits: Controlling, authoritative, responsible

Ruler brands are leaders in their domain, often associated with power and control. They seek to create order and stability.

Examples: Mercedes-Benz, Microsoft

Application: Ruler brands should emphasize quality, reliability, and leadership. They can position themselves as authorities and market leaders.

12. The Everyman

Traits: Relatable, humble, down-to-earth

The Everyman archetype is about belonging and connecting with others. These brands are approachable and aim to fit in with everyday life.

Examples: Ikea, Target

Application: Everyman brands should use inclusive and relatable messaging. They should focus on being accessible and straightforward, appealing to the common person.

Utilizing Archetypes in Branding

Creating Brand Consistency

By defining a brand archetype, marketers can ensure that all aspects of branding—from messaging and visuals to customer interactions—align with a consistent personality and voice. This consistency helps build trust and recognition among consumers.

Framework for Decision-Making

Archetypes serve as a valuable framework for determining if something is “on brand.” When faced with decisions about marketing strategies, product development, or partnerships, brands can ask whether the choice aligns with their archetype’s values and characteristics. This helps maintain brand integrity and prevents confusing or conflicting messages.

Archetype Testing and Identification

Brands can use archetype tests to identify their primary and secondary archetypes. These tests typically involve a series of questions that assess a brand’s values, mission, and customer perceptions. The results can help brands understand their core personality and how to communicate it effectively.

Example Questions from an Archetype Test:

  • What are your brand’s core values?
  • How do you want your customers to feel after interacting with your brand?
  • What is your brand’s mission?

These questions help identify the most resonant archetype, guiding the brand’s overall strategy.

Final Thoughts

Brand archetypes provide a powerful framework for building a compelling and authentic brand identity. By aligning with a specific archetype, brands can create a consistent and relatable personality, guiding all aspects of their communication and engagement. This not only helps in creating a focused brand strategy but also ensures that all brand activities resonate with the target audience, fostering stronger connections and loyalty.

The Modern Take-Down Culture: A Personal Reflection and a Call for Empathy

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In today’s digital age, the line between civil discourse and personal attacks has blurred. As someone who’s been the face of a company under public scrutiny, I’ve experienced firsthand how quickly criticism can escalate into personal attacks. The internet, with its message boards and review sites, has fostered a toxic trend where people, fueled by anger and frustration, seek to emotionally and financially damage those they disagree with.

My Experience and Reflections

Recently, I faced a barrage of negative feedback directed at me personally, despite the numerous factors contributing to my company’s challenges. This experience highlighted a disturbing trend: instead of seeking solutions or understanding, many rush to publicly vent their frustrations, hoping to rally others to their cause. This behavior, often dubbed “cancel culture,” isn’t about seeking justice but rather about validating negative feelings through collective outrage.

I’ve realized that I’ve been guilty of this behavior myself. In moments of frustration, I’ve taken to social media to express my dissatisfaction with companies like Delta Airlines or restaurants that didn’t meet my expectations. Reflecting on this, I’ve made a personal pledge to change.

A Lesson in Compassion: The Ragbrai Bike Tour Incident

A recent experience underscored my commitment to this new approach. While supporting friends during the Ragbrai Bike Tour across Iowa, we encountered a mechanical issue with our motor coach. It was the first personal vacation I had taken in probably 10 years, so a breakdown with the motor coach would have erased all the stress reduction the first few days of the trip provided. Faced with a tight schedule and limited repair options, we were in a bind. After numerous calls, I found Good Life RV in Des Moines, Iowa, willing to help, despite their busy day.

I showed up before they were open and waited in the parking lot.  They waived me in 15 minutes before their scheduled opening hours and were so incredibly kind and empathetic to my cause.  They quickly re-arranged their schedule to fit me in for repairs and set me up with a private office and wifi so I could work while the coach was in the workshop bay.  I met a series of amazing employees who just wanted to help me out.

After chatting with a the general manager for a few minutes, he confessed that his biggest concern wasn’t the busy day ahead, but rather the potential backlash from a dissatisfied customer who they might not be able to help. He feared that more and more people would stop in and they wound’ have the resources to take care of everyone – even if they wanted to.  This resonated with me deeply, as I’ve shared that same fear in my business. It’s a reminder that behind every company are real people trying to do their best under challenging circumstances.

I promised him that I would leave them a positive review, even if they weren’t able to make the repairs.  The fact that they wanted to try meant a lot to me.

Here’s the review I left for them:
“I had an emergency repair that needed to be done while supporting my team of riders on the Ragbrai. The folks at Good Life RV could not have been more helpful. They were able to move some things around to get me in, which was amazing. They set me up in a private office so I could work while they made the repair. Beautiful location, great coffee, and some of the nicest people you will ever meet. Everyone here gets 6 stars out of 5 from me. I know they’re going to be swamped today, but from my experience, I can’t recommend this place enough. You saved our Ragbrai.”

The gold folks at Good Life RV got me on the road within a short period of time.  They even topped off our freshwater supply so we could take showers later that day.  The cherry on top of a great experience.

The Culture of Negativity in the Digital World

In today’s digital landscape, negative reviews and angry rants attract more attention than praise. It’s easier to get noticed by expressing outrage than by highlighting positives. This creates a skewed perception, where mistakes and mishaps overshadow the daily hard work and dedication of countless individuals. We forget that businesses are composed of people who, like us, have families and personal lives and who strive to provide the best service they can.

Mistakes happen, people have off days, and sometimes companies fail. It’s essential to remember that these are not defining moments but part of the human experience. Before venting anger online, we should consider the broader context and the impact of our words on those we target.

Even as I write this, I know that there is someone out there that’s angry that I’m posting this. They are outraged that someone would dare take away their precious ability to be an asshole online.  I won’t fight or defend these people, as their punishment is having to live with their own negativity is enough.

A Personal Apology and a Call to Action

In light of this, I owe an apology to Delta Airlines for my tweets over the years. Running an airline is no small feat, and despite the occasional inconvenience, they’ve safely transported me from point A to B without incident. That’s something worth acknowledging.

Moving forward, I aim to leave more positive reviews and keep negative experiences private. This doesn’t mean suppressing valid concerns but rather addressing them constructively and privately. Let’s shift the focus from retribution to understanding, from public shaming to private resolution.

In a world where it’s easy to criticize, let’s choose empathy and support. We all make mistakes, but we also all have the capacity to do better, both in our actions and in how we respond to others.

Reflecting on Bishop+Rook’s Journey and Lessons Learned

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When I started Bishop+Rook, I wrote a letter expressing my passion for vintage Land Rovers and the joy I found in connecting with others who shared this enthusiasm. I laid out a vision to create a company dedicated to restoring these iconic vehicles to their original factory condition. Our goal was to honor the heritage of the Land Rover brand while offering fairly priced products in a market flooded with excessively expensive options.

Today, I find myself writing another letter, but this time to explain why the company failed and share the lessons I’ve learned from this journey. It’s a sad day, but I hope that by reflecting on my experience, we can all gain some valuable insights.

To me, Bishop+Rook was more than just a company; it was the beginning of a dream. This was supposed to be my last job, my retirement, and the legacy I left behind. My vision was to create a unique business that provided unparalleled value in the industry. I wanted the company to be employee-owned, with a staff that felt secure and cared for. Building Bishop+Rook was a labor of love, a passion project into which I invested everything I had—time, money, energy, and heart.

Despite our passion and dedication, Bishop+Rook faced significant challenges that ultimately led to its downfall. The onset of COVID-19 brought unprecedented disruptions, including severe inflation, shipping delays, and the overall stress of navigating a business through such a volatile economic climate. Yet, even in the face of these adversities, our team remained steadfast and committed to powering through. We held onto hope and worked diligently to get back on track, believing that our dedication would see us through these tough times.

However, our troubles extended beyond the global challenges everyone else in the world faced. There were several other issues that compounded our difficulties and led to the company’s failure. While we encountered some operational difficulties with our workshop in Spain, the real issues arose with the partners I trusted to manage operations in the UK and South Africa. These individuals, who I believed were aligned with our company’s vision and values, unfortunately, had their own interests in mind. Their actions demonstrated a clear prioritization of personal gain over the company’s well-being and, more importantly, over the interests of our customers.

We faced major quality control problems from our overseas workshops, some of which seemed purposeful. It appeared that a few members of these workshops were indifferent to the results of their work. Consequently, the Minnesota team spent a considerable amount of their time fixing mistakes, poor workmanship, and generally re-working restoration efforts that were initially done incorrectly.

Additionally, two of the key managers in the UK and South Africa responsible for these operations diverted their focus from Bishop+Rook customer projects to secretive side work they pushed through the workshops without getting caught. This diversion of effort severely impacted our ability to deliver on our promises and maintain the high standards we set for our restorations.

It was profoundly unfair to our US team to constantly shoulder the burden of fixing errors and mistakes from our global workshops. These quality control issues led to significant delays and cost overruns. Instead of dedicating their skills and efforts to productive projects that would move the company forward, our US team in Minnesota found themselves re-working a considerable number of projects. This not only sapped morale but also strained our resources, making it difficult to maintain the high standards and efficiency we aimed for.

The persistent need to rectify poor workmanship from overseas diverted our focus from innovation and growth, severely impacting our ability to meet deadlines and customer expectations. The dedication and resilience of the US team were truly remarkable, but it was an unsustainable and deeply unfair situation that ultimately hindered our progress.

In South Africa, my business partners held customer projects hostage, demanding excessive payments for their release despite the projects already going over budget and incurring significant losses. This not only strained our financial resources but also damaged our reputation and customer trust.

The situation in the UK was even more troubling. Former employees and whistleblowers informed me that my former partner and Director of the UK workshop had secretly started a competing company and ran it for nearly a year using Bishop+Rook resources. Instead of focusing on our projects, he misappropriated company assets to benefit his venture. He forced employees to work on his projects, falsified time-tracking records and provided false updates to customers. The behind-the-scenes activities I discovered shocked me more than I can ever explain.

These betrayals and mismanagements were devastating. They not only drained our resources but also compromised the quality and reliability of our services. Despite the relentless efforts of the Minnesota team to rectify these issues, the cumulative effect of these challenges was too great to overcome. These experiences have taught me the importance of vigilance and the need for trustworthy partners with the same commitment to quality and integrity.

Late in 2023, we developed an extensive turnaround plan, hoping to salvage Bishop+Rook and get back on track. We carefully analyzed our operations, identified areas needing improvement, and laid out a strategic plan to address the issues that had plagued us. However, as we looked deeper into the company’s state in early 2024, it became painfully clear just how extensive the damage was.

Despite exhausting all possible efforts—including securing loans, seeking new investments, and even looking into mortgaging my own home—it became evident that the damage was too profound to recover from. The mismanagement, quality control issues, and betrayals had created an insurmountable financial and operational quagmire. Every avenue we explored seemed to lead to further complications and potential harm, not only to the company but also to our valued customers and employees.

After much deliberation and soul-searching, I came to the heartbreaking conclusion that there was no viable path forward that wouldn’t cause further damage. It was an incredibly difficult decision, but one that was necessary to prevent more extensive fallout. This realization marked the end of a dream, but it also highlighted the importance of facing reality with integrity and the willingness to make tough decisions for the greater good.

Throughout this difficult journey, I often hesitated to speak publicly about what happened behind the scenes. I was embarrassed and ashamed that I had placed my trust in individuals who ultimately let the company and customers down. Admitting that I made such critical errors in judgment was not easy, and the fear of further damaging the company’s reputation kept me silent. While there are many things I could have done differently in hindsight, I have come to realize that you can’t always control the interests and actions of others.

This painful lesson has underscored the importance of vigilance and due diligence, even when dealing with those who seem trustworthy. Despite the embarrassment and regret, I remain committed to learning from these experiences and applying these hard-earned lessons to any future endeavors.

Sitting in the background, reading hateful emails, online messages, and forum discussions accusing me of being a terrible person and deliberately depriving people of their money was incredibly difficult. Legally, I was unable to respond due to the complexities of closing a business. Despite my intense desire to defend myself, I had to remain silent, which many interpreted as me simply walking away from the company. What these critics didn’t realize was the immense effort I was putting in behind the scenes to make things right. The accusations and misunderstandings were painful, but my commitment to resolving the issues for our customers never wavered.

One of the most heart-wrenching aspects of this entire ordeal was facing my employees, who had become like family to me. Bringing them together to break the news that Bishop+Rook wasn’t going to make it and that they were all out of a job was one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do. These men of incredible character, especially the team in Minnesota, demonstrated their unwavering support by expressing more concern for my well-being than their own unfortunate situation. Their selflessness and solidarity in the face of adversity is something I will never forget and will always be grateful for.

The reactions from our customers were diverse and intense. While many expressed their anger, frustration, and a passionate desire for retribution, there were others who responded with unexpected kindness, understanding, and support. This latter group surprised me and provided a much-needed source of encouragement during this difficult time. Some of these compassionate individuals have become lifelong friends, proving that even in the darkest moments, human connections can thrive. Telling someone they might lose everything is incredibly difficult, but those who chose to work with us in hopes of salvaging something from the experience demonstrated an extraordinary resilience and faith that I deeply appreciate.

If we had simply closed the doors the day we let the staff go, it would have undoubtedly been a much easier process. It would have saved us considerable time, money, and legal troubles. However, for me, that wasn’t the right approach. I went against the advice of several close advisers when I decided to keep fighting on behalf of our customers.

I had nothing to gain personally but felt a moral duty to help them as much as possible. Even as the lawsuits continued to pile up, I felt a profound responsibility to try and assist as many customers as possible. The easy route would have been to walk away, but my commitment to those who had entrusted us with their projects and investments drove me to continue advocating on their behalf, despite the significant challenges.

After we officially closed the workshop, we made the decision to keep the business operational to support the customers who had projects underway. We aimed to ensure they could access their projects and receive the advocacy they needed during the closure process.

In an effort to legally shut down Bishop+Rook UK Ltd. while protecting our customers’ assets, we went through a Creditors Voluntary Liquidation process in the UK. This process was intended not only to manage the company’s closure but also to investigate my former partner’s misdeeds. Unfortunately, the reality of the situation fell far short of these intentions.

No investigation into my former partner’s actions occurred, and the liquidator severely frustrated the recovery process. Instead of facilitating a smooth transition, the liquidator created a series of delays, imposed financial demands, and sold off important customer assets. These actions hindered our ability to protect and return customer projects and investments, further compounding the difficulties we were already facing. The entire liquidation process, meant to bring clarity and resolution, only added to the chaos and frustration experienced by our valued customers and myself.

This liquidation process threatened to deprive customers of their projects and investments, and I felt a profound responsibility to stand by them. Despite the business closure, our commitment to our customers remained unwavering as we navigated these challenges together, striving to protect their interests and salvage what we could from a deeply unfortunate situation.

The impact of this situation has been overwhelming. I often find myself unable to sleep, replaying the events in my mind and wondering what more I could have done to prevent this outcome. It has been a significant emotional and financial blow, and the disappointment and sense of failure weigh heavily on me.

I feel deeply for our customers who have been affected by this situation. Many have rightfully expressed their frustration and disappointment, and I understand their feelings completely. It has been incredibly tough to face criticism, especially knowing that it stems from a situation beyond my control. Despite this, I have tried to respond to every concern with empathy and a genuine desire to help, doing everything within my power to support our customers through this transition.

I have learned through this ordeal that businesses can fail for a myriad of reasons, and often those reasons are beyond one’s control. What truly matters, however, is how we respond to these challenges. I believe that our character is defined not by the failures we encounter but by our resilience and determination to rise again. I am committed to learning from this experience, to rebuild, and to ensure that future ventures are built on even stronger foundations. While Bishop+Rook may have failed as a business, the journey taught me invaluable lessons about trust, integrity, and resilience. My hope is that these experiences will shape future endeavors and that the spirit of what we tried to build will live on in the connections we made and the work we accomplished.

While the road ahead is uncertain, I am determined to take these lessons to heart. I am deeply grateful for the support and understanding from those who have stood by me during this tumultuous time. Your faith in me gives me the strength to move forward and pursue new opportunities with renewed vigor.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. I wanted to share my story not just to explain what happened, but to emphasize my commitment to moving forward with integrity and purpose. I hope that, in time, I can regain your trust and confidence.