
Random Things I Think About

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Voyager Brand Value Model Exploration
1024 683 Michael Kraabel

It’s time for us to move beyond the purpose-driven “why” framework and other brand models that focus exclusively on the customer in a static state.…

The Adaptive Brand Ecosystem Model
1024 574 Michael Kraabel

Adopting and developing a brand model provides structure and direction to branding activities. It ensures strategic focus, guides investment in high-impact initiatives, fosters innovation, guarantees…

Beyond Purpose-Driven Brand Marketing
1024 683 Michael Kraabel

Throughout history, brand marketing has continually adapted to new technologies and shifts in consumer preferences. From simple marks of craftsmanship to complex digital campaigns, brand…

The Third Place
1024 574 Michael Kraabel

In the quiet hum of a bustling coffee shop, where the aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingles with the low murmur of conversations, lies the…

Creative Collaboration With Generative AI – Part One
1024 574 Michael Kraabel

Even though I’ve spent most of my professional career developing some pretty advanced digital marketing campaigns, I admit that I am somewhat of a Luddite. …

Artificial Intelligence (AI) vs. Human Intelligence (HI) in Creative
1024 574 Michael Kraabel

My initial stance was to be highly skeptical of using artificial intelligence (AI) in branding and marketing. The very idea of AI weaving its way…

The Future of Fractional Creative Leadership
1024 574 Michael Kraabel

Over the past couple of years, I have witnessed the rise of a trend: the emergence of fractional marketing executives as the norm rather than…

Inspiring Brand Mission Statements
1024 683 Michael Kraabel

Brand missions articulate the purpose and intentions of a company, often focusing on what they aim to achieve for their customers, society, or the world…

The Silent Online Majority
1024 684 Michael Kraabel

A significant portion of the online community, which I started to refer to as the “silent online majority,” primarily consumes content without actively engaging in…

The Unplug Project
1024 683 Michael Kraabel

I’ve spent most of my professional career entangled in the endless loop of emails, social media notifications, and digital clutter. Like many others, my life…

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