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Brand History: Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

600 343 Michael Kraabel

Rosser Reeves was a pivotal figure in the advertising world whose contributions significantly shaped the mid-20th-century advertising industry and laid foundational principles that continue to influence marketing and branding today. Reeves is best known for developing the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) concept. Reeves joined the Ted Bates & Co. advertising agency in 1940, eventually rising…

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Rethinking Brand Models

1024 574 Michael Kraabel

We are beginning a new era in branding, and the call for a revamped framework is loud and clear. A new model centered around the customer journey, emotional connections, shared values, and adaptability is not merely a strategy but a philosophy that can drive brands to new levels of relevance and success. By reevaluating our…

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Best Books on Branding (2024)

1024 683 Michael Kraabel

Each of these books offers unique insights into the complexities of brand marketing. From understanding how to communicate effectively with your audience to leveraging the latest in digital marketing strategies, these reads cover the essential knowledge and skills needed to build and sustain powerful brands. These titles, spanning several decades, reflect the dynamic nature of…

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Building a Brand by Growing Smaller

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Throughout my career in advertising, I always thought my agency needed to pitch and win every client we could. When I went out on my own to start a new company, my instincts were to grow as big and fast as possible. In both cases, I was wrong. If someone had told me to stay…

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