My Blog

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The Strategic Advantage of an In-House Production Studio

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In a marketing world that demands real-time responses to customer demands and sometimes urgent crisis responses, having an in-house production studio is a luxury and a strategic asset. Having some form of -in-house production space offers a blend of efficiency, cost-effectiveness, and creative flexibility that is invaluable for businesses seeking to produce high-quality photo and…

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For The Love of Industrial Photography

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In industrial and commercial environments, photography and filmmaking offer a unique and exhilarating experience, teeming with challenges and opportunities distinct from traditional settings. At least for me. These locations are more than just backdrops; they are vibrant landscapes of creativity and innovation, filled with interesting textures, surfaces, and man-made materials that demand a photographer’s keen…

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Lessons from My Years at the Helm of Bishop+Rook

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Eight years ago, I embarked on an entrepreneurial journey with Bishop+Rook, a company born from a vision to combine my love of travel, photography, and vintage vehicles. This journey has been an enlightening experience, teaching me invaluable lessons about business, branding, resilience, and the pursuit of a vision.  I didn’t know what to expect when…

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Why Most Marketing and Agency Time Is Bullsh*t

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In marketing and advertising agencies, the perception of productivity often clashes with the stark reality of time allocation. The industry thrives on the promise of innovation, creativity, and strategic brilliance. Yet, buried beneath the glamour and sheen lies a truth that many often shy away from: a significant portion of the time spent in marketing…

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